Zabbix Sophos

I have imported one template under ZABBIX for monitoring my sophos firewall but it does not contain any check for interfaces up / down and it's traffic status. Does anyone has new template (.xml) for zabbix monitoring tool? Overview How to configure Step 1: Download Agent Source Code Download the Agent installation package according to the respective operating system, in this case Windows: downloading the zip file, yo. SNMPv2 template for XG series Sophos Firewall56 static items and 45 triggers + discovered interface items and triggersIt using (linked) default zabbix templates:Template Module Generic SNMPv2 (Temlate Module ICMP Ping)Template Module Interfaces Simple SNMPv2Necessary MIB:XG-FIREWALL-MIB (link) You h.


Grafana is the tool that displays the popular monitor graph. Grafana can handle a wide variety of data returned by the Zabbix Monitor. Grafana also has many other useful features that cater to the monitor


How to configure

  • Install Grafana on CentOS 7
  • Download the installation package


  • Unzip the installation package

sudo yum localinstall grafana-6.4.4-1.x86_64.rpm

  • Install Grafana

sudo yum install grafana

  • Start the Grafana service