Apple Music Not Syncing On Mac

Hey there truax,

  1. Why Won't My Apple Music Sync To My Mac
  2. Mac Not Syncing Contacts
  • Sometimes, you may face the problem that your iPhone will not sync with iTunes. With this article, no longer worry about that. There are 5 ways to solve it.
  • Apple Music Library Not Syncing? Possible Solutions: How to Fix Apple Music Playlist Not Syncing Issue #14. Song or Playlist Can't be Added to Your iCloud Music Library? When you subscribe to Apple Music, you can upload your local music files or playlists to iCloud Music Library and listen to them across all your authorized devices.
  • IMessages not syncing between Mac and iPhone after updating to the latest iOS 13? Keep reading this guide to find effective solutions for this problem.

I'm running Apple Music on my mac and iPhone. I have an album in My Music, so the plays should be syncing, but the play count is not being effected by music played on my phone. Is there any trip to let the play count sync between devices? I know that the 'love' are device specific, but I thought that play count should sync because it worked. The iCloud Music Library option is now enabled and you should be able to access your Apple Music across all of your devices. Ensure You Use the Same Apple ID. If Apple Music is still not syncing on your devices, you need to make sure that you are using the same Apple ID on your devices that were used to buy the Apple Music subscription.

It sounds like you're having issues with the changes you're making in Apple Music on your Mac not reflecting on the other devices you have connected to your Apple ID.


You've already gone through some great troubleshooting steps so far but lets try a few more things that may help.

If you haven't done so already, you want to make sure that you're signed into the same Apple ID on all of your devices. If the Apple IDs are all the same then make sure that all your devices are on the latest iOS or macOS software update.

Why Won't My Apple Music Sync To My Mac

If all this checks out then you want to make sure that your devices were properly synced. These articles will walk you through how:

This article will walk you through some additional troubleshooting:

If you require further assistance after following these Apple resources, please reach out to Apple Support.

Double wide forklift.

Take care.

May 31, 2020 10:45 AM

“I used to sync my messages between iPhone 7 and MacBook without a hassle, but currently I can’t see messages send from my Mac on my iPhone after updating to iOS 10.3.2. Not sure what happened, all of the settings in preferences seem right. Any advice?”

iMessage allows iOS and Mac users to send messages between each other over Wi-Fi or cellular-data network. By logging in with same Apple ID on multiple devices, you are able to keep your iMessages up to date across your iPhone, iPad, and Mac. However, it doesn’t always work seamlessly as we expected. Sometimes you may find your iPhone iMessages won’t show up on Mac or messages on Mac doesn’t sync with iPhone. The reasons that cause iMessage syncing issues can be various, but luckily we can fix iMessage not syncing issue with a few steps.

How to Fix iMessage Not Syncing on Mac and iPhone

  1. Check your iMessage Settings

Mac Not Syncing Contacts

First of all, you need to make sure you are using same Apple ID on both iPhone and Mac and the same email address under iMessage settings. Here’s how to check your iMessage settings on iPhone and Mac:

  • On your iPhone: go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive. Check the “You can be reached by iMessage at” section and make sure your phone number and Apple ID are listed with a check mark.
  • On your Mac: open Messages app and click Messages from the top-menu and click Preference. Choose Accounts and make sure your phone number and email address under “You can be reached for messages at” are same as the settings on your iPhone.
  1. Turn off iMessage and turn it back on

Even though you are using same Apple ID on both your devices, you may still face iMessage not syncing between iPhone and Mac. In such case, it is suggested to turn off iMessage on your devices and then re-enable it on each device.

  • On your iPhone: go to Settings > Messages and toggle iMessage off.
  • On your Mac: open Messages app and click Messages from the top-menu and click Preference. Choose Accounts and uncheck “Enable this account” under your Apple ID.

Wait for a few minutes and then enable iMessage on your iPhone and Mac again.

Have other iMessage problems on iPhone? Check: How to Fix Messages and iMessage Problems on iPhone or leave your message in the comment section.