Rename X


You want to rename the levels in a factor.

Rename the new copy of the dimension to the desired name. Drag both the new and old dimension fields to the Columns or Rows shelf. Right-click the header that should not be displayed and select Show Header. To view these steps in action, see the video below. A discord bot to rename your server's members with random (german) generated names! - XroixHD/RenameX.


Rename X

The easiest way is to use revalue() or mapvalues() from the plyr package:

Rename xbox accountRename

Rename Xcel

If you don’t want to rely on plyr, you can do the following with R’s built-in functions.Note that these methods will modify x directly; that is, you don’t have to save the result back into x.

It’s possible to rename factor levels by name (without plyr), but keep in mind that this works only if ALL levels are present in the list; if any are not in the list, they will be replaced with NA.

It’s also possible to use R’s string search-and-replace functions to rename factor levels. Note that the ^ and $ surrounding alpha are there to ensure that the entire string matches. Without them, if there were a level named alphabet, it would also match, and the replacement would be onebet.

See also

Rename Xref

Rename X

Rename Xfinity Network

Mapping values in a vector to new values works much the same. See ../Mapping vector values for more information.